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Verification tool

Verification tool

This page provides the following information:

Summary of the functionality

The IRAS v5.8 release (18 April 2018) implemented new functionality in IRAS called the “verification tool”.

At this time it is only implemented in the IRAS Form application. It is not available in any other form types.

The primary purpose of the verification tool is a basic pre-submission check for:
  • Elements of the IRAS Form dataset
  • Completion of the Checklist tab
  • Presence of valid electronic authorisations
As such is it intended to be used as a ‘final’ pre-submission check after the user has reviewed the form for completeness (by either through page by page review or using the ‘check your form’ function), ensured the checklist is complete and electronic authorisations are in place. The verification tool does not replace these steps.

It is important to note that:
  • A successful verification is needed before the application is enabled for initial E-submission/submission.
  • A successful verification does not mean that the application is valid. The verification tool only checks some elements and it can only check data/files (where applicable)/authorisations are present, not that these elements correct or appropriate.
  • If the verification check is unsuccessful then reported errors in the application will need to be resolved and the verification tool run again until the result is successful verification. Applicants should note that where elements of the dataset report errors then resolving these errors will result in invalidation of authorisations and so authorisations will need to be sought again. Therefore it is critical to check the form is fully complete before seeking authorisations and before going to the verification tool step.

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How to access and use the verification tool in an initial application

If the application is enabled for electronic submission there will be an E-submission tab and the verification tool is accessed through via this tab. Where an application is not enabled for electronic submission (e.g. submission of application is via email) the verification tool is accessed via the Submission tab.

In all cases users should follow the instructions provided on the E-submission/Submission tab. It is important to complete the first steps relating to checking completeness of the form and completion of the Checklist tab before seeking electronic authorisations.

The verification tool step follows these initial activities to check form, complete checklist and apply authorisations. It is accessed via a button labelled ‘Verify your form’

Pressing the button starts the verification process. Note at this point the ‘E-submit application’ button (forms with E-submission tab) / ‘Proceed to submission’ button (forms with Submission tab) will be present but disabled.

Once the system has run the verification a pop-up box will appear on screen with the result.

Where there has been a successful verification:
  • A pop up box will confirm success and advise the application is ready to proceed to next steps.
  • Depending on the nature of the application this will mean proceeding to booking the application for review and then submission or proceeding straight to submission. Please refer to the instructions provided on the E-submission/Submission tab.
  • The ‘E-submit application’ / ‘Proceed to submission’ button will now be enabled.
Where the verification is not successful:
  • A pop up box will tell you that the verification has failed and provide information about the parts of the application that reported errors.
  • All of the errors flagged will need to be resolved. To help with this step the pop-up box may be kept open and/or printed. Note that if elements of the dataset need to be corrected then any authorisations already gathered will be invalidated.You will therefore need to gather authorisations again. In this situation it is advisable to correct form (and checklist errors, if applicable), and run the verify your form function again to check that all issues are resolved in the form and checklist before seeking the authorisations again.
  • Once errors have been corrected, return to the E-submission/Submission tab and run the ‘verify your form’ tool again.

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Form dataset – If a question is enabled in the dataset then it should be completed in full. For example, where a free text box appears in addition to check boxes and/ or radio button options you are expected to make selections and provide further information in the free text box. When completing the dataset, refer to the question specific guidance, which is accessed via the green ‘i' buttons.

Document checklist – This is accessed via the Checklist tab and needs to be completed in all instances. If the application is enabled for electronic submission (there is an E-submission tab) then supporting documents must be uploaded to the checklist and associated supporting information (document title, version number and date, as appropriate) entered. If a listed document type is not considered relevant to the application then this should be noted in the reason not supplied field for the document type. If the application is not enabled for electronic submission and it has a Submission tab then the checklist still needs to be completed with information about the documents that will be submitted or a reason not supplied. The verification tool checks the rows marked as ‘mandatory’.

Authorisations – The verification tool checks that all authorisations enabled in the form have valid electronic authorisations place.

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Submitting revised applications

Applications enabled for e-submission
The applicant will need to liaise with the reviewer to arrange for the ‘E-submit application’ button to be re-enabled as it defaults to being disabled after successful submission. Applicants should note that when the E-submit application button is pressed this will automatically trigger the verification tool to run again. Therefore the e-submission includes an updated form the applicants will need to ensure that after making the necessary updates to the form, the relevant authorisations are sought again.

Applications not enabled for e-submission
Applicants should note that when ‘Proceed to Submission’ button is pressed this will automatically trigger the verification tool to run again. Therefore applicants will need to ensure that after making the necessary updates to the form, the relevant authorisations are sought again.

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Page last updated: 18 April 2018

IRAS Integrated Research Application System, version 6.4, 04/02/2025, IRAS Dataset version 3.5.
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