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Submission guidance - all review bodies

General guidance on making submissions using IRAS

Applications with a Submission tab and "Proceed to Submission" button

Clicking on "Proceed to Submission" under the Submission tab will store the application in your Submission History in IRAS and generate a submission code, which will appear at the foot of each page of the form for reference. You will then be able to save and/or print the completed form for submission. Please follow the on-screen instructions.

NOTE: selecting "Proceed to Submission" does not actually submit your application to the reviewing organisation.

To submit the application, please follow the guidance under the Submission tab for the relevant type of form.

If you need to amend the application subsequently, selecting Proceed to Submission will save a new version and generate another submission code.

Applications with an E-submission tab and a button to electronically submit application

Some applications in IRAS are enabled for full electronic submission. In these cases the form will have an "E-submission" tab. Where a form is enabled for full electronic submission, selecting to submit the application by clicking on the "E-submit application" button (or button similarly labelled within the tab) will electronically submit the application form and the supporting documents that have been uploaded to the checklist. Please ensure that you read the guidance provided in the tabs prior to submitting the form.

Once you have electronically submitted your application, a record of that submission and any updates on progress that are notified by the review body to IRAS will be shown in the submission history area at the bottom of the E-submission tab.

To print an application form for review prior to submission, please use the Print option within the form or under the Save/Print tab.

Page last updated: 10 June 2020

IRAS Integrated Research Application System, version 6.4.1, 24/02/2025, IRAS Dataset version 3.5.
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